Monday, 30 May 2011

The Beautiful Month of Ramadan Islamic Articles


(All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger)

For the Holy Month of Ramadan you are expected to prepare yourself with adequate knowledge which will help you to understand the true meaning of this special blessed month and thus the opportunity provided in the month of Ramadan is to be availed with full potential.

Fasting an Important Pillar of Islam:

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, which is of paramount significance. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Islam is built upon five pillars: testifying that there is no god except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, performing Prayer, paying the Zakah, making the pilgrimage to the Sacred House (Hajj), and fasting the month of Ramadan.(Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Benefits of Fasting In Ramadan:

There is no doubt that there have been clear indications for the blessed month and there are some significant quotes in Holy Quran and other authenticated sources of its importance to which can be understood from Almighty Allah says:

(The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the Criterion (of right and wrong). And whosoever of you is present, let him fast the month, and whosoever of you is sick or on a journey, (let him fast the same) number of other days. Allah desireth for you ease; He desireth not hardship for you; and (He desireth) that ye should complete the period, and that ye should magnify Allah for having guided you, and that peradventure ye may be thankful.)(Al-Baqarah 2: 185)

Blessed Month for All:

This blessed month is a great opportunity for blessing, goodness, worship, and obedience of Allah. Yes, for sure this is the month of great rewards and those who worship Allah (SWT) and do good deeds should expect rewards, such rewards that shall overcome the year round bad deeds and wash them with the intention of following and practicing the good deeds for the time to come in which you are determined to be a sincere believer.


Friday, 13 May 2011

Concealing the Faults and Weaknesses of Others

Concealing the Faults and Weaknesses of Others


Concealing the Faults and Weaknesses of Others

abridged from "Freedom of Expression in Islam" by Kamali

Avoiding harm to others and concealing the weakness of one's fellow human beings is a prominent theme of the moral teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah. The message here is conveyed in a variety of forms, context and ideas, all of which are indicative of Islam's emphasis on the honour and dignity of the individual, and of his or her right to privacy safe from the encroachment of others.

Thus according to a hadith:

"If a person conceals the weakness of another in this world, Allah will conceal their weakness in the hereafter" [Al Nawawi, Riyad al Salihin p 135, Hadith no 245; al Ghazali, Kitab Adab p 344]

A variant version of the same message is reported in another hadith, which states:

"Whoever protects the honour of his brother, will have Allah protect his countenance from the fire on the Day of Judgement" [Al Nawawi, Riyad al Salihin p 488, Hadith no 1530]

In yet another hadith we read:

"Do not harm Muslims, and do not revile them, nor pursue their imperfections. For verily, whosoever pursues the imperfections of his brother shall have his own imperfections pursued by Allah" [Sunan of al Tirmidhi, as quoted in Principles of State and Government in Islam, p 85]

Concealing the faults of, and respecting the privacy of others is again the theme of the following hadith:

"The Muslim who helps another when the latter's honour and dignity are under attack, shall be helped by Allah, Glorious and Sublime is He! - at a time when he would wish for Allah's help. But he who forsakes a Muslim whose dignity is under attack, shall have Allah forsake him at a time when he would wish for Allah's help" [Al Ghazali, Ihyaa Ulum al Din; Kitab Adab al Suhbah p 369]

It was reported that one night when Caliph Umar was patrolling Medina, he saw a man and a woman committing adultery. The following day the caliph informed other Companions and asked them whether he should enforce the prescribed penalty (hadd) for zina (fornication) on the basis of his own observations. To this Ali replied that the law of Allah stated clearly that four witnesses were required to prove zina, and that this provision was to be applied equally to the caliph. Other companions are also reported to have concurred with Ali's opinion.

While quoting this report, al Ghazali observes that this is strong evidence that the shariah demands the concealment of sins (satr al fawahish); it also discourages spying on or reporting the private affairs of others. [Kitab al Adab p 345-6]

It is noted that concealment (satr) is recommended only with regard to persons who are not generally known to engage in corrupt and harmful activities. As for those who are notorious, it is recommended that their evil is not concealed and that the matter is reported to the authorities.

Exposing the faults of others by casting aspersions, or spying on them, is particularly reprehensible. Thus according to a hadith, people are warned:

"Beware of suspicion. For suspicion is the most untrue form of speech; and do not spy upon one another and do not revile one another." [Sahih Muslim, Kitab al birr wal silah, Bab al nahy an al tajasus]

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal was once asked about the correct meaning of the following hadith:

"When you hear something form or about your brother, ascribe to it the best interpretation until you can no longer do so"

To this, he replied:

"Find an excuse for him by saying, 'Maybe he said this, or maybe he meant such and such'"

It is further reported in another hadith:

"Whoever is offered an apology from a fellow Muslim should accept it unless he knows that the person apologising is being dishonest" [Mishkat al Tabrizi, Vol III Hadith no 5052]

Commenting on these hadiths, Tuffah has rightly observed that, despite the occurrence of the word brother (akh) therein, they are of general import, and their scope is not confined to Muslims, the reason being that in Islam justice and benevolence (adl wa ihsan) are not confined to Muslims alone. The question of the way people treat fellow citizens in society, their brothers and sisters in humanity, is closely linked with the Quranic concepts of adl and ihsan, and these do not admit if any restriction that would compromise their objective application. [Tuffah, Masadir pp 89-90]

This indeed is the main point of the following Quranic text:

"And let not the hatred of a people harm you into being unjust. Be just, for it is closet to piety (taqwa)" [Surah 5: verse 8]

Furthermore, Hasan, the son of Ali is reported to have said:

"If a man abuses me in one ear and then apologises to me in the other, I shall accept his apology" [Al Maqdisi, al Adab, I p 341]

Thus it is evident that silence takes priority over speech when it comes to exposing the faults and weaknesses of others.

'One should not talk about the defects of others even if one is asked about them. One must try to avoid prying and asking personal questions about the private lives of others" [Al Ghazali, Kitab Adab pp 242-43]

For tolerance and forgiveness are necessary in order to encourage an atmosphere of fraternity in the community.

Now days we as Muslims have to spread the voice to learn quran online and so we could gain the true knowledge and the quran teaching that is give to us by our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and do quran reading. Do we as Muslim ask our self that why we are at the peak of destruction? The answer will be simple that we have left our roots the holy quran we should guide promote Islam from in our homes first and let learn our kids quran  and encourage them in doing quran memorization this should be our first goal for it we can do different stuff like let then participate in different online quran recitation competition to let them read quran from different online quran reciters and along with it we elders should learn quran also and improve our knowledge of quran and Islam and learn holy quran tafseer because to understand and learn quran Arabic and for this now a days there are many online quran tutor available who teach tajweed quran and its translation and tafseer so let us join our hands to be the voice of Islam and let improve the image of it as well and full fill our duty


Caution For New Muslims

Caution For New Muslims


Caution For New Muslims
Dangers of Excess and Extremism among Muslims
By Imam Ghayth Nur Kashif

Allah says in the Quran, "Thus we have made of you an ummah justly balanced, that you might be witnesses over the nations, and the Messenger a witness over you. (HQ 2:143) The Prophet (saaw) reportedly said, "Beware of excessiveness in religion before you have perished as a result of such excessiveness in religion. (Reported by Ah-mad). Allah states in the Quran that He, "Intends every facility for you; He does not want to put you in difficulties". (HQ 2:185)

"Religion," the Prophet is reported to have said, "is very easy, and whoever overburdens himself will not be able to continue in that way. Be right (without excessiveness or negligence), near (perfection, and have good timing (in being rewarded for your regular deeds)."(Bukhari) The people of the Book were warned: " O people of the Book, commit no excesses in your religion, nor say of Allah anything but the Truth...." 4:171. He warns the Muslims likewise: " O you who believe! Make not unlawful the good things, which Allah has made law-lawful for you, and commit no excess; for Allah loves not those given to excess. (HQ 5:87) Until recently Muslims in America have been spared much of the tradition-bound and sectarian division that have led to violent oppression- and fratricidal warfare among various Muslim proponents, leading often to mutual slaughter, "In the Name of Allah."


Allah forbid that they should invoke His Name or the name of the Prophet as "partners" in their mutual disputes and violence. These are "inventions against Allah's Name." Just as the early pagans and their partners acted, making "alluring the slaughter of their children in order to lead them to their own destruction and cause confusion in their religion-gin." Allah warned them that "He will requite them for their invention." (HQ: 5:137-8) Unfortunately this "traditional baggage" has now entered into the ethos of the Islamic growth in America, where we find innocent Muslims being caught up in the negligence and excesses of the worldwide Ummah following them in their schisms, ranging from claims of "sacred" cultural- mores to disputes of the interpretation of the Sunnah (and ahadith) of the Prophet (saaw), to claims of the supremacy of ahadith over the Quran. Allah, Forbid! Then we now have claims of supremacy of one "School of Thought" over the others. And again claims of supremacy of one community over the other in the knowledge of Quran and Sunnah. How are we caught up in this? Allah forbid. We fear that we stand in great danger of going the way of societies before us unless we pause and take heed to Allah^Òs command: "hold fast all together, by the rope which Allah stretches to you, and be not divided among yourselves... (HQ 3:103)

Allah has warned: "And obey and His Messenger; and fall not into disputes, lest you lose heart and your power depart..." (HQ 8:47) Allah warns in another Ayah: "(their doom is) because Allah sent down the Book in truth but those who seek cause of dispute in the Book are in schism, far (from the purpose). (HQ 2:176). As He said of the People of the Book: "there is among them a section who distort the book with their tongues. You think that it is a part of the book, but it is no part of the book, and they say, "This is from Allah, but it is not from Allah. It is they who tell a lie against Allah." (HQ 3:48)


Should not Muslims in America reflect upon the relevant examples in the Quran? Why should Muslims in America take on the historic and manifest failures of the ummah, following their manifestations of divisions- and disputations over this or that fatwah, this or that purported hadith, in contradistinction of another? Muslim opponents have taken delight in this and have come to mock the Muslims in America and elsewhere for these circus-like conflicts. Should Muslim in America become partisans to these conflicts between proponents of the so-called schools of thought, or to the Sunni/Shii disputes (and more recently, Allah forbid: Sunnah v. Quran conflicts.

When these parties are question about their circus-like tendencies and the exaltation of traditions canonized by their fathers, they retort to reckless slander: charging that the people who question them do not believe in the Sunnah. At the other extreme there are those who reject, out of hand, the Quranically confirmed traditions of the Prophet (saaw) (i.e. where the sayings and actions of the Prophet are underpinned by an overriding principle that has been, beforehand, clearly established in the Quran---an example being Salat.

Thus we should be careful not fall in the trap laid by the evil seducer, Shaitan, himself, who "whispers, then withdraws--then comes later as an arbitrator to settle the disputes with cunning and flowery speech. Let us not be deceived, nor think that we can out-flank Shaitan while indulging in the schisms he sets up. Allah says that Shaitan "and his tribe watches you from a position where you cannot see them..." (7:27)

Cannot we see that these forged disputes are an attempt to move the innocent Muslim away from his commitment to take in the orphan, to feed the poor, to clothe the naked, to feed the homeless, and to build a balanced community? His "religion" has thus become one of criticizing and attacking Muslims with whom he differs, often on insignificant issues. Unfortunately from these individual differences, exploited as such, grows the seeds of sectarianism and shirk, followed by (subversion and rebellion). This is shameful, indeed!


Let us beware: Remember those before us who took idols, angels, and even prophets, making them partners with Allah and equal in the Godhead. They began to mention their names at every mention of the Name of Allah. When Allah the One and Only is mentioned the hearts of those who believe not in the Hereafter are filled with disgust and horror; but when (gods) other than He are mentioned behold they are filled with joy! (HQ 39:45) Think of the case of Issa, (saaw) They began by declaring stories (ahadith) written about him, such as the New Testament by Mathew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul) to be Divine, or in fact the Injil (Revelation) itself. Gradually, over time, they began to include Issa as a co-equal with Allah Himself. They have thrown the Injil behind their backs just as they threw the Torah behind their backs. Allah, however, has cleared His Prophet Issa (saaw) of any such charge. May Allah be praised forever! He distinguishes His Revelation from all else. He is One. His Revelation is One. He is Allah. None is like Him. No partners, No associates.

Muslims in America must be aware of the "baggage" of extremism exported to North America as legitimate Sunnah and fiqh. This "baggage" is propagated by zealots (innocent and otherwise) who insistently accuse others of "bid'ah" (innovation in religion), wantonness, unbelief and deviation. They are known to claim piety for themselves, exalt the Sunnah over the Quran and engage others in endless arguments.


Imam al Nawawi reported that the Prophet (saaw) repeated three times: "Ruined are the people who indulged in hair-splitting. Thus it is important to identify the mode operandi of these mercenaries because of the harm they bring to the innocent Muslims in America.

We find that they make a grandiose show of their recital of selected ahadith in Arabic; often diaf (weak) or highly contextual in time and circumstance. Their display of their "erudition" is supposed to confirm their "hikma" (wisdom or implied piety) in the Deen (Al-Islam). Yet Sincerity lies in the heart and breast.

They make an impressive show of embellishing their arguments- with Arabic, particularly to the new Muslims who understand little more than As-Salaam-Alaikum and Al-Faatihah. Yes, it IS time for the (balanced) Muslim communities to put a stop to the purveyors of deliberate confusion and disunity.

Please note: In no way does this imply that learning to read and recite the Quran in Arabic is not essential to the deeper understanding and practice of our Deen. IT IS, and Muslims must strive to acquit themselves, especially in the study of Quranic Arabic. No excuse, however, can be given to those whose intent is to obfuscate. (HQ: 3:78)


What then must be done? How may we express our differences? How do we correct a wrong? We take note here of the utter abuse and misapplication of the reported Hadith of the Prophet (saaw) i.e.: to correct a wrong with your hand, your heart or your tongue.

Often lacking adequate knowledge, we tear into others with the belief that our particular perspective or rendering of an issue, ritual, or interpretation of Hadith or Quran is unquestionably right or authentic. This crude approach often masks, or excuses an aggressive, ill-reasoned action or response to something we differ about that has long been in question, even at the highest levels of the scholarly ummah over the centuries. Another over-worked hadith is that the scholar is "worth more than a thousand ignorant worshippers." In most cases it is exalted by those whose scholarship has become the end goal, rather than the means.


It (scholarship) has become the objective, and not for the pleasure of Allah. Allah is no longer the goal of such pursuers, but sophistic scholarship is! Thus we have fallen into disputes of the so-called "learned": like that of Western Philosophers, i.e.: "How many angels can sit on the head of a pin?"

These "extremes,'" among the literate and the illiterate becomes a perverse "religion". Yet they understand not. Allah knows best: whenever we begin to exalt anything as equal to Him or His Words (Guarded Revelations), then we are truly gravitating toward Shirk. Let us consider the advice found on page 428 of the Encyclopedia of Seerah, (vol. 6)

The author writes: "If there is any difference of opinion, it cannot be on the Truth of the Quran and its Message, which is one and the same for all time. If there is a difference among Muslims, it can only be in their imperfect understanding of the Quran and its Message; but if this difference of opinion is within limits of acceptable interpretations, it is not bad nor evil, nor is it dangerous or injurious to the collective. If however, people go beyond the acceptable limits and start arguing on a political, sectarian, or sophistic basis (for argument sake) then there is no cure for such disputes and wrongdoing.


The different opinions of the companions of the Prophets, were of the former (above). This type of difference is called a mercy. But if these differences or details are considered as al-din (compulsory) and made the means of dispute between different sections of people, then even this type of difference becomes condemned.

We have found that it is necessary to establish decorum of dialogue, which disallows distortion of our sacred texts and subsequent sources of knowledge.

Some sources have intimated that there appears to be a "well-financed," several-pronged movement afoot, disguised or cloaked as "defenders of the Sunnah. Among the prongs is said to be a surreptitious attempt to promote a doctrine claiming "two revelations." The argument is that the Book and the Hikma (i.e. Sunnah, so interpreted) are two separate revelations and not simply attributes or names for the Quran. This subtle message could ease this concept of "duality" into the Muslim mainstream and distort the concept of Tawhid, even IF innocently conceived. Noted also are several other prongs that suggest a lattice-like linking of ostensibly disparate groups in a mutually orchestrated promotion of this un-Islamic doctrine.

If we inculcate the Qur'an in our heart, by accepting the Words of Allah, reciting them, and reflecting on them (with minds unencumbered by fatwas, etc.---and acting upon them), Insha'Allah, His light will enter and remove our confused or immature state of mind. Insha'Allah, the Qur'an will become a "filter" for us to access all else, whether it is Serah, hadith, tafseers, etc. It is the denial or shunning of this sacred filter that has caused the conflicts and extreme language.

Tell us, what other filter is independent of man's authentication or methodologies of proofs or evidences designed to confirm a truth? Allah speaks and His words do not have to be "authenticated" by the methodologies, and proofs of man." We suggest that he who denies Allah and/or the WORD (Revelation/Quran) of Allah as the PRIMARY SOURCE of Truth and Knowledge will always be in a state of agitation, haste and frustration. Neither the canonizing of saints and scholars nor that which they authenticate by their preferred methodologies (taqlid and others) justifies their unabashed claims of Truth and Certainty.

According to Ibn Kathir, Allah's Prophet disliked these things: first, unnecessary disputes and arguments, questioning and inquiring without any need, and wastage off wealth. Having grown weak from disputes many Muslims have lost their sense of purpose in bringing glad tidings to the believers and warning the rulers and citizens of the land, both yesterday and today. They are content to rail, and mock, becoming obsessed with simply calling others "Kafir". They exhibit little evidence of dawah, such as feeding the poor, or working collectively with any Muslim community to establish a good life in society. Rather they are bent upon trying to "convert" the converted. They demonstrate a lack of Iman by raising doubts of others. Could this be hypocrisy, in disguise? Could this be subversion, in disguise? Allah Knows.

Muslims are obligated to warn and to argue in the best manner, i.e.: (words, manners, and conduct). Furthermore Muslims are obligated to call for justice, for the release of the slave, for the feeding of the hungry, for the housing of the homeless and for the sharing of wealth., The Muslims must warn against Riba, against arrogance, against mis-education, against waste and lack of economic productivity. Cannot we hear? Cannot we understand? Do we not know that we have Watchers over our souls?

Now days we as Muslims have to spread the voice to learn quran online and so we could gain the true knowledge and the quran teaching that is give to us by our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and do quran reading. Do we as Muslim ask our self that why we are at the peak of destruction? The answer will be simple that we have left our roots the holy quran we should guide promote Islam from in our homes first and let learn our kids quran  and encourage them in doing quran memorization this should be our first goal for it we can do different stuff like let then participate in different online quran recitation competition to let them read quran from different online quran reciters and along with it we elders should learn quran also and improve our knowledge of quran and Islam and learn holy quran tafseer because to understand and learn quran Arabic and for this now a days there are many online quran tutor available who teach tajweed quran and its translation and tafseer so let us join our hands to be the voice of Islam and let improve the image of it as well and full fill our duty


Convertitis - or the Case of the Insta-Scholar

Convertitis - or the Case of the Insta-Scholar


Convertitis - or the Case of the Insta-Scholar
American convert Saraji Umm Zaid cautions new Muslims about the dangers of extremism and absolutism

What is Convertitis?
Convertitis is a highly contagious disease, which spreads rapidly among converts to Islam, particularly those who are experiencing great amounts of confusion, but who don't think they are. (Also commonly known as The Case of the Insta-Scholar)

The Case of the Insta-Scholar Jane who took her shahada last week.
She was a "regular American" who studied a little about Islam, hemmed and hawed over the dress and dietary codes, decided it was the truth, and accepted it into her life. Many sisters in the community looked forward to helping Jane learn the basics of Islam, such as the salat, the five pillars, the six articles of faith, and so on. Now, this week, we see that Jane has changed her name to "Ai'sha," is wearing full niqaab [black only], buying everything (even potato chips-- which she may stop buying as it is "imitation of the kufar") from the halal market, getting into interfaith debates at her job, using a miswak, telling the other sisters what they "ought to be doing," and what they are "doing wrong," and considering accepting a marriage proposal to be a co-wife.

What Are the Symptoms of Convertitis?
The new Muslim who is suffering from this terrible disease is easily recognisable within the community. You will notice a radical change in appearance, almost immediately: from "regular clothes" to full niqaab or kufi and thobe. Often walking around with a miswak. Starts peppering their language full of Arabic-isms they either don't really know or can't pronounce. Almost immediately, they talk at great length about their "Islamic Identity," and their "Muslim-ness". In every incident, they will see an "Anti-Muslim" bias that didn't exist previously [and probably doesn't exist currently]. They often argue points of Islamic fiqh with anyone and everyone-- from the fellow new shahada to the valedictorian of Al-Ahzar. [of course, they don't know what "fiqh" is...] The most serious symptom is that everything is black and white: what they view as good is truth, and what they don't understand is bad, bid'a, haram, whatever. They view themselves as the sole practitioners of "True Islam," and pass into judgement millions of others. Abdul Hakim Murad explains here, the "serious side" of convertitis:

"The initial and quite understandable response of many new comers is to become an absolutist. Everything going on among pious Muslims is angelic; everything outside the circle of faith is demonic. The appeal of this outlook lies in its simplicity. The newly arranged landscape on which the convert looks is seen in satisfying black and white terms of Them versus Us, good against evil."

Oftentimes, when approached by other Muslims about this behavior, they become defensive. Those suffering from Convertitis will exhibit a marked lack of interest in any lectures, books, programs, etc. having to do with Islamic history, Fiqh, or spirituality, while their interests in things like "The Hijab Debate," and "Muslim vs. Christian" is noticeably high. Most new Muslims, however, soon see through this. Those individuals who adopt Islam because they need an identity will be condemned to wander the sectarian and factional hall of mirrors, constantly looking for the perfect group that will give them their desperately needed sense of specialness and superiority. ...Those who come to Islam seeking an identity will find the multiplicity of traditional Muslim cultures intolerable. People with confused identities are attracted to totalitarian solutions. And today, many young Muslims feel so threatened by the diversity of calls on their allegiance, and by the sheer complexity of modernity, that the only form of Islam they can regard as legitimate is a totalitarian, monolithic one. That there should be four schools of Islamic law is to them unbearable. That Muslim cultures should legitimately differ is a species of blasphemy.

What Are the After Effects of Convertitis?
The after effects of this seriously contagious disease are many: ranging from sudden humility to disillusionment and ultimately, leaving the deen. Some people are able to get right back up again after being knocked off of their high horse, only this time, with the knowledge that they don't know anything. Others are unable to dust themselves off, and are immersed in such a state of confusion that they may end up leaving Islam entirely.

How Can I Protect Myself From Convertitis?
Unfortunately, convertitis is so contagious and widespread that it seems that every shahada suffers from it at one point of another. For some, they recover almost immediately, while others live under the delusion of convertitis for the rest of their lives. If you are a new convert, the best way to protect yourself is to realise that you know nothing, and to remind yourself of this fact every day. All the Islamic knowledge that you initially gain is in English, and is by default, off-base. You are forced to rely on other people's translations, which is also chock full of "opinion." Until you have a working knowledge of classical Arabic and its grammar, you will not be able to even consider becoming a scholar, you will not be eligible to issue Islamic rulings, you will not be eligible to administer shari'a law, nothing. Force yourself to remember that such a state takes years, a lifetime, to achieve. Some people never recover from their initial "Insta Scholarliness." They continue their entire lives like this, devoid of any real soul searching efforts to get "at the truth." They depend so heavily on rule books to govern every part of their lives that the end up missing the essence of Islam, which can not be found in any book. Ultimately, they become convinced of their spiritual superiority, and dismiss all others. These young people, who haunt our mosques and shout at any sign of disagreement are either ignorant of Muslim history, or dismiss it as a giant mistake. For them, the grace and rahma of Allah has for some reason been withheld from all but a tiny fraction of the Ummah. These people are the elect and all in disagreement with them is a blasphemy against God.

Convertitis or the "Insta Scholar" syndrome is a serious one. I'd venture to say that just about everyone experiences it at one point. Unfortunately, for some, they never realise that they know nothing, and walk around thinking they are scholars. This causes great problems, as it not only poses a danger to other new shahadas, but the ceaseless arguing causes great divisions within the Muslim community. For those of you who are currently experiencing said malady [but don't think you are], please remember that any bad knowledge, any false knowledge, and any bid'a that you pass onto another Muslim, you are responsible for that. If you don't want the misguidance of another person to bear on your record, then you take a second, and then a third breath before you tell someone what they "ought to be" doing.

How Do I Handle the Insta-Scholar?
The best way to deal with those suffering from Convertitis is gently. Arguing with the insta Scholar only reinforces in their minds that they are somehow, the sole guardians of the truth. If someone you know is suffering from this terrible disease, steer them away from interfaith debates as often as you can. And make du'a, make du'a, make du'a.

Now days we as Muslims have to spread the voice to learn quran online and so we could gain the true knowledge and the quran teaching that is give to us by our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and do quran reading. Do we as Muslim ask our self that why we are at the peak of destruction? The answer will be simple that we have left our roots the holy quran we should guide promote Islam from in our homes first and let learn our kids quran  and encourage them in doing quran memorization this should be our first goal for it we can do different stuff like let then participate in different online quran recitation competition to let them read quran from different online quran reciters and along with it we elders should learn quran also and improve our knowledge of quran and Islam and learn holy quran tafseer because to understand and learn quran Arabic and for this now a days there are many online quran tutor available who teach tajweed quran and its translation and tafseer so let us join our hands to be the voice of Islam and let improve the image of it as well and full fill our duty


Gossip and Its Adverse Effects on the Muslim Community

Gossip and Its Adverse Effects on the Muslim Community


Gossip and Its Adverse Effects on the Muslim Community
Anecdotes on the Condemnation of al-Ghibah (gossip/backbiting) from Shaykh Husayan al-Awaaishah

1 - It is reported from al-Hasan al-Basri (may Allah have mercy on him) that a man said to him: "You have gossiped about me. He (al-Hasan) said: "You have not reached such a position that you can control my Hasanat!" [Translator's Note: The Islamic teaching is that the Hasanat (rewards) of the one who gossips will be awarded to the victim.]

2 - Someone was told: "So-and-so has gossiped about you" - so he sent him a dish of dates, with the message: "I heard that you had given me your Hasanat as a gift, and I want to return the favour; please excuse me for not being able to pay back in full."

3 - It was reported from Ibn Mubarak (may Allah have mercy on him) that he said: "If I were to gossip about anyone, I would gossip about my parents, for they have more right to my Hasanat."

4 - Ghibah is the hospitality of the wrongdoer.

5 - From Amr ibn al-As (radhiallahu `anhu); He passed by a dead mule, and said to some of his companions: "It would be better for a man to eat his fill from the meat of this than from the flesh of his fellow-Muslims." [Sahih al-Targhib at-Tarhib]

6 - A man mentioned something bad about another to his friend. His friend said to him: "Do you go out and fight against the Romans?" He said, "No." His friend asked: "Do you go out and fight against the Turks?" He said, "No." The friend said: "The Romans are safe from you, and the Turks are safe from you, but your Muslim brothers are not safe from you!"

7 - If you are unable to do three things, then you must do three (other) things: if you cannot do good, then stop doing evil; if you cannot benefit people, then do not harm them; if you cannot fast, then do not eat the flesh of the people.

8 - The poet said:

"If a man is wise and fears Allah,
This will keep him too busy to concern himself with the faults of others,
Just as the weak and sick person is concerned with his own pain
To think of the pain of others."

Now days we as Muslims have to spread the voice to learn quran online and so we could gain the true knowledge and the quran teaching that is give to us by our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and do quran reading. Do we as Muslim ask our self that why we are at the peak of destruction? The answer will be simple that we have left our roots the holy quran we should guide promote Islam from in our homes first and let learn our kids quran  and encourage them in doing quran memorization this should be our first goal for it we can do different stuff like let then participate in different online quran recitation competition to let them read quran from different online quran reciters and along with it we elders should learn quran also and improve our knowledge of quran and Islam and learn holy quran tafseer because to understand and learn quran Arabic and for this now a days there are many online quran tutor available who teach tajweed quran and its translation and tafseer so let us join our hands to be the voice of Islam and let improve the image of it as well and full fill our duty


Ignore that which does not concern you

A Sign of Excellence in Islam - Ignore that which doesn't concern you


Ignore that which does not concern you
A Sign of Excellence in Islam

by Shaykh Nathim Sultan

Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger of Allah said:

“A sign of one’s excellence in his Islam, is ignoring what does not concern him.” (Ahmad, Malik & At-Tirmithi)

The Status of this Hadith
Ibn Rajab said, “This Hadith is a basic and an important source of good behavior in Islam.” Mohammad ibn Zayd, a great scholar of the Maliki Mathhab, said, “Four Hadiths comprise a perfect code of conduct. One of them is, ‘Whoever believes in Allah and His Messenger should say that which is useful or keep silent.’ Another Hadith is when the Prophet said to the man who sought his advice, ‘Avoid getting angry.’ A third is the Hadith, ‘The believer loves for his (believing) brother what he loves for himself.’ The fourth is the above Hadith.”

A Sign of Excellence in Islam
A sign of one’s excellence in the religion, is his ignoring what does not concern him, including all things said or done. The Muslim should only participate in what concerns him, such as anything that is his property, right, obligation or under his control. To be concerned with something entails preserving and taking care of this thing that one is allowed to be concerned with.

As for the matters that do not concern one, they are in abundance. Usually, when a person tries to interfere in such matters that do not concern him, the tool frequently used for this is the tongue. Muslims are ordered to utter only good words, for Allah said:

“Not a word he (man) utters, but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it).” [50:18]

Many people ignore the fact that in Islam, words are considered actions. Such people care not to preserve their tongues from uttering evil or nonsense. Mu`ath ibn Jabal did not know the importance of discretion in the words one utters, so he asked the Prophet, “Are we going to be held responsible for what we say?” The Prophet answered, “May your mother lose you! What else will lead people to be dragged in the Fire on their faces, but the result of what they utter with their tongues.” [Irwaa’ al-Ghaleel]

An-Nawawi said in his book, “Riyadh as-Saliheen”, “Know that everyone should only talk about what might lead to benefit. When talking and being silent are equal in benefit, then the Sunnah is to be silent. This is because to be talkative will usually lead to uttering evil, even if it starts with seemingly harmless words. One should always be on the safe side, a state that is indeed desired.” When a person utters only good words, he gains respect in his community. Likewise, if he is talkative and nosy, disrespect and a bad reputation are the result.

This Hadith indicates that ignoring what does not concern one, is a sign of his excellence in the religion. Being successful in working the righteous deeds and gaining an increase in the number of good deeds are all results of this better behavior. The number of sins will also decrease if one protects his tongue from uttering evil. Abu Hurayrah said:

“If you improve your Islam, then every good deed you work will increase (and will be multiplied) by ten folds to seven hundred times in reward. On the other hand, each sin is recorded according to its weight, until one meets Allah, the Exalted One.” [Muslim]

Ignoring What Does Not Concern You
The only way to know right from wrong is through the Islamic Shari`ah (Law). What one wishes and desires do not count in this regard. The Prophet has considered the one who ignores what does not concern him to be an excellent Muslim. Therefore, Islam alone must be consulted to define what does or does not concern a Muslim. Because many Muslims do not depend on the Shari`ah to define what they can or cannot participate in, they sometimes abandon their obligations or what they are supposed to do or say, thinking that this is not of their concern. They sometimes defy the rules of the religion by not advising their Muslim brothers, thinking that this also is not of their concern. Or, they indulge in what does not concern them, thinking that this is their concern. To get out of this confusion, one should always consult the Shari`ah to know what he is supposed to do or say.

Benefits from the Hadith
1 -- This Hadith encourages Muslims to use the time in a manner that brings about their benefit in this life and in the Hereafter.
2 -- Muslims should always be concerned with what is beneficial and constructive, and should avoid what does not bring about benefit and what does not preserve the honor.
3 -- This Hadith also encourages Muslims to strive hard to discipline their behavior, and to reject and abandon sins, dishonor and what brings about disrespect.
4 -- This Hadith also ordains avoiding interfering with other people’s affairs, for unwarranted interference with other people’s business causes divisions and hatred among Muslims.

Now days we as Muslims have to spread the voice to learn quran online and so we could gain the true knowledge and the quran teaching that is give to us by our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and do quran reading. Do we as Muslim ask our self that why we are at the peak of destruction? The answer will be simple that we have left our roots the holy quran we should guide promote Islam from in our homes first and let learn our kids quran  and encourage them in doing quran memorization this should be our first goal for it we can do different stuff like let then participate in different online quran recitation competition to let them read quran from different online quran reciters and along with it we elders should learn quran also and improve our knowledge of quran and Islam and learn holy quran tafseer because to understand and learn quran Arabic and for this now a days there are many online quran tutor available who teach tajweed quran and its translation and tafseer so let us join our hands to be the voice of Islam and let improve the image of it as well and full fill our duty


Perfecting One's Character

Perfecting One's Character


Perfecting One's Character
"The Magnificent Journey"  by Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah

The Prophet used to make a number of supplications related to good character.

"O Allah, guide me to good character, none guides to good character but You..." [Muslim]

"O Allah, I seek refuge in you from bad character, deeds and desires." [at-Tirmidhee]

"O Allah, You perfectly created me, so perfect my character." [Ahmad]

"O Allah, I seek refuge in you from disability and laziness; from cowardice and avarice; from decrepitude and harshness; from negligence and impoverishment, from lowness and humiliation. And I seek refuge in You from poverty and disbelief; from sinfulness, disunity and hypocrisy; from notability and riyaa' (show off)..." [Ahmad, Maalik, Bazaar, Haithami and ibn `Abd al-Barr authenticated it.]

The following beneficial excerpt is from "The Magnificent Journey" by ibn ul Qayyim [published by QSS]. It explains three conditions needed to acquire good manners.

Three Conditions to Acquire Excellent Manners

This is one example of the excellent manners with which Allah (ta`aala) has equipped his Messenger . He described him as,

"Verily, You [Muhammad] are on an exalted standard on character." [68:4]

`Aa'ishah (raa), described him as, "His character was just [a reflection of] the Qur'aan." [Muslim, Aboo Daawood, Ahmad]

Such excellent character cannot be attained without three conditions:

1. The foundation must be good. If one has a rough and dry nature, it will be hard for him to submit to this [excellence of character] through knowledge, will, or practice. On the other hand, a mild and smooth nature will be ready and willing to receive the plowing and the seeds [to prepare it for character excellence].

2. The soul must be strong and capable of conquering calls of laziness, transgression, and desire. Those matters contradict perfection, and souls which cannot defeat them will always be defeated and conquered.

3. [One must possess] a discerning knowledge of the truth of matters, enabling one to put them in the rightful position, and to distinguish between flash and cancer - between glass and jewels.

If these three qualities are present in a man, and Allah's facilitation helps him, then he will be among those whom the best (husnaa) has been decreed and for whom Allah's care has been secured.

Now days we as Muslims have to spread the voice to learn quran online and so we could gain the true knowledge and the quran teaching that is give to us by our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and do quran reading. Do we as Muslim ask our self that why we are at the peak of destruction? The answer will be simple that we have left our roots the holy quran we should guide promote Islam from in our homes first and let learn our kids quran  and encourage them in doing quran memorization this should be our first goal for it we can do different stuff like let then participate in different online quran recitation competition to let them read quran from different online quran reciters and along with it we elders should learn quran also and improve our knowledge of quran and Islam and learn holy quran tafseer because to understand and learn quran Arabic and for this now a days there are many online quran tutor available who teach tajweed quran and its translation and tafseer so let us join our hands to be the voice of Islam and let improve the image of it as well and full fill our duty


Honesty in Monetary Dealings forms a vital part of Islam

Honesty in Monetary Dealings forms a vital part of Islam


Honesty in Monetary Dealings
Uprightness and honesty in monetary dealings forms a vital part of the fundamental teachings of Islam, says Moulana Manzoor Naomani.

The Qur'an as well as the Traditions of the Prophet are emphatic that a true Muslim is he who is honest and upright in his business and monetary transactions, keeps his word and fulfill his promises, shuns fraud and avoids deceit and perfidy, encroaches not upon the rights of others, nor takes part in wrongful litigation, does not give false evidence, and abstains from making dishonest money as from usury and graft. Whoever is not free from these vices is, according to the Qur'an and the Traditions, not a true believer but a renegade and a worthless transgressor.

We now proceed to examine some of the relevant Quranic verses and traditions. A short verse of the Quran says:

"Oh ye who believe! Eat not up each other's property by unfair and dishonest means." (4:29)

The verse forbids Muslims against all unclean and corrupt means of making money, such as, dishonest trading, embezzlement, gambling, speculation and bribery. Then there are verses in which these hateful practices are dealt with one by one. For instance, a severe warning is given in the following verse to traders who cheat in weighing:

"Woe to those that deal in fraud, - those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure, but when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due. Do they not think that they will be called to account- on a Mighty Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds." (133: 1-6)

In the same way, the under mentioned verse exhorts Muslims to be very particular about their trusts and about other people's rights.

"Allah doth command you to render back your trust, to those to whom they are due."(4:58)

At two places in the Quran a chief distinguishing feature of Muslims is said to be that they are:

"Those who faithfully observe their trusts and their covenants."(24:8)

The Prophet often used to say in his sermons:

"Remember, there is no faith in him who is not trustworthy; there is no place for him in religion who cares not for his pledged word or promise."

Another tradition says:" The signs of a hypocrite are three: when he speaks, he is false, when he promises, he fails; and when he is trusted, he plays false."

Condemning those who cheat in business the sacred Prophet has said:

"He who cheats is not of us. Deceitfulness and fraud are things that lead one to Hell."

The Prophet of Allah once came upon a heap of corn in the market of Medina and thrust his hand onto it. His fingers felt damp. On being asked, the trader replied that rain had fallen upon it. The Prophet observed,

"Why did you not then keep (the wet portion of) it above the dry corn, so that men may see it? He who deceives, is not one of us."

Thus traders who deceive by showing to customers a false sample or by concealing from them the defects of the article they offer for sale are not true Muslims in the judgment of the Holy Prophet and, God-forbidding, they are going to end up in hell. Another tradition says:

"The seller must explain to the buyer the defects, if any, in the quality of the article offered for sale. Should this not be done, the seller will permanently be caught in the Wrath of Allah (according to another narrator the exact words, ‘he will always be cursed by the angels')."

In short, all manner of deceit and dishonesty in business is prohibited in Islam. It has been proclaimed to be an act worthy of unqualified condemnation. The Holy Prophet has expressed his strong dislike for those who do so. He has said he will have nothing to do with them; they do not belong to him.

Likewise, bribery and usury, although might be practiced by mutual consent and agreement, are totally disallowed to Muslims and those who are guilty of them have been condemned squarely in the traditions. A well-known tradition on usury reads:

"The curse of Allah rests on him who offers loan on usurious terms, and on him who receives, and on those who are witnesses to the transaction, and on the writer who writes the deed thereof."

As for bribery, the Prophet ) according to a tradition, "condemned alike the giver of bribes, and the taker of bribes in deciding cases."

A tradition goes even to the extent of saying that,

"If a person made a recommendation for anyone in a just manner and gratified party gave him something as a gift (in return for it) and he accepted it, then he committed a grave error (meaning that it, too, is a form of bribery)."

Worse still is the usurpation of another's property by force or fraud or dishonest litigation. We have it on the authority of the Prophet that:

"Whoever occupies land belonging to another unjustly will be sunk into the ground along with the plot of land on the Doomsday till he reaches the lowest layer of the earth."

"He who acquires the property of a Muslim unjustly by taking a false oath (before an Officer) is debarred by Allah from entering Paradise and the Fire of Hell is made inevitable for him." On hearing it a Companion is reported to have replied, " Yes, even if it be a twig of Pilo (a plant which grows wild. Its twigs are used for cleaning the teeth).

The Prophet again, is reported to have warned a person who was very fond of entering into litigation with others in these strong words, "Remember, he who will obtain the property of another by swearing a false oath will appear as a leper before Allah (on the Day of Judgement).

And, again:

"Whoever laid a claim on a thing that was not his is not of us. He will do well to reserve a place for himself in the Hell."

It is narrated that one day, after the morning prayers the Holy Prophet stood up and said thrice with great feeling that, " Perjury has been made the equivalent of Polytheism."

Now days we as Muslims have to spread the voice to learn quran online and so we could gain the true knowledge and the quran teaching that is give to us by our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and do quran reading. Do we as Muslim ask our self that why we are at the peak of destruction? The answer will be simple that we have left our roots the holy quran we should guide promote Islam from in our homes first and let learn our kids quran  and encourage them in doing quran memorization this should be our first goal for it we can do different stuff like let then participate in different online quran recitation competition to let them read quran from different online quran reciters and along with it we elders should learn quran also and improve our knowledge of quran and Islam and learn holy quran tafseer because to understand and learn quran Arabic and for this now a days there are many online quran tutor available who teach tajweed quran and its translation and tafseer so let us join our hands to be the voice of Islam and let improve the image of it as well and full fill our duty


"Waste no time debating what a good Muslim should be. Be one!"

"Waste no time debating what a good Muslim should be. Be one!"


"Waste no time debating what a good Muslim should be. Be one!"
Respecting our differences, by Muhammad Alshareef

Imam Malik one day entered the Masjid after Asr. Towards the front of Masjid An-Nabawee he drew closer and sat down. Rasul Allah had commanded that anyone who enters the Masjid should not sit until he first prays 2 rakas as a salutation of the Masjid. Imam Malik was of the opinion however that Rasul Allah's forbiddance of praying after Asr took precedence and so he would teach his students to not pray the tahiyyatul Masjid if they entered between the Asr and Maghrib time. At that moment that Imam Malik sat down, a young boy had seen him sit without first praying the 2 raka's of Tahiyyatul Masjid. The young boy scorned him, "Get up and pray 2 rakas!"

Imam Malik dutifully stood up once again and began praying the 2 rakas. The students sat stunned: What was going on? Had Imam Malik's opinion changed?

After he had completed the salah, the students swarmed around and questioned his actions. Imam Malik said, "My opinion has not changed, nor have I gone back on what I taught you earlier. I merely feared that had I not prayed the 2 rakas as the young boy commanded, Allah may include me in the Ayah...

"And when it is said to them, 'Bow (in prayer)', they do not bow." - al mursalat 77/48.

Imam Ahmad held the opinion that eating camel meat nullifies ones Wudhu, an opinion that the majority of scholars differed from. Some students asked him, "If you find an Imam eating camel meat in front of you and - without first making Wudu - then leads the Salah, would you pray behind him?" Imam Ahmad replied, "Do you think I would not pray behind the likes of Imam Malik and Sa'eed ibn Al-Musayyab?"

Allah created humans with differences. It is the law of creation. Different tongues, different colors, different cultures...all that on the outside. On the inside, humans were created with many degrees of knowledge, intellect, and comprehension of concepts. This is all a sign of Allah's all encompassing power to do whatever He wills:

"And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors: verily in that are signs for those who know." [30:22]

Humans shall differ, that is not the issue. The issue is: How as a Muslim should one confront these differences of opinions and what should be our relationship with someone of a different opinion.

Allah ta'ala commanded us to call and advise people in this Deen of Al-Islam. Many Muslims set off on this mission blindfolded, not realizing that the map was there in the Qur'an also. In fact, in the very same verse where Allah commanded us to call and advise people in this Deen, Allah taught us how to do it. Read the following verse carefully:

"Invite (fi'l Amr - Allah is commanding) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction and argue with them in a way that is best! " - Surah An-Nahl 16/125.

There is no need to philosophize. No need to talk in the flower gardens. It is right there, plain and simple for anyone who would take heed.

There in that Ayah are the three ingredients to apply when we disagree with someone. The same Allah that taught us to debate the truth, taught us how to do it:

1 - With Hikmah (wisdom) 2 - With good instruction, and 3 - To argue in a way that is best.

What does it mean to have Hikmah when differing with someone? The grandsons of Rasul Allah(saw) once set one of the most beautiful examples of Hikmah in advising others. Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn - in their young age - once saw a senior man performing Wudu incorrectly. Together they arranged a plan to teach the man without insulting him, advising him in a manner befitting of his age.

Together they went to the senior and announced, "My brother and I have differed over who amongst us performs Wudu the best. Would you mind being the judge to determine which one of us indeed performs Wudu more correctly."

The man watched intently as the two grandsons of Rasul Allah performed Wudu in an explicit manner. After they had completed, he thanked them and said, "By Allah, I did not know how to perform Wudu before this. You have both taught me how to do it correctly."

We must understand that there are two dimensions to Hikmah. Firstly, there is the Hikmah of knowledge - Hikmah Ilmiyyah. And secondly, there is the Hikmah of Action - Hikmah Amaliyyah.

Some people may have Hikmah of knowledge. But we see that when they try correcting others, advising them, they lack the Hikmah of Action. This causes many a common folk to reject the Hikmah of knowledge.

To illustrate this hikmah of knowledge without Hikmah of action, a brother once completed the Salah in a local Masjid and then proceeded to shake hands with the people on his right and left. The brother to his immediate right slapped his hand and snapped, "That is not part of the Sunnah!" The man replied most correctly, "Oh, is disrespect and insult part of the Sunnah?"

To show Hikmah when we differ requires the following:


One: If we differ, our intentions should be that we are differing in the sincere hope of coming away with the truth. Our intentions should be sincere to Allah.

We should not differ just to release some hate or envy in our heart. We should not differ to embarrass someone like we may have been embarrassed.

Rasul Allah said, "Whoever learns knowledge - knowledge from that which should be sought for the sake of Allah - only to receive a commodity of the material world, he shall not find the fragrance of jannah on the day of resurrection." - An authentic hadith narrated by Abu Dawood in Kitab Al-Ilm.

Kindness and Gentleness

Two: To have Hikmah when differing means we should rarely depart from an atmosphere of kindness and gentleness, we should seldom allow ourselves to become angry and raise our voices.

Fir'own (Pharaoh) was one of the evilest people that lived. Musa was one of the noblest. Look at how Allah told Musa to advise Fir'own...

"Go, both of you, to Fir'own. Indeed, he has transgressed. And speak to him with gentle speech, perhaps he may remember or fear (Allah)."

A man once entered upon the Khalifah and chastised him for some policies he had taken. The Khalifah replied, "By Allah, Fir'own was more eviler than me. And by Allah, Musa was more pious than you. Yet, Allah commanded him...'And speak to him with gentle speech, perhaps he may remember or fear (Allah).'"

Take Your Time and Clarify

Three: To have Hikmah when dealing with others is to be patient and clarify things before snapping to conclusions.

Imam Ahmad narrates with his chain of narrators leading to Ibn Abbas who said, "A man from Bani Saleem passed by a group of the Prophet's companions. (At that time of war) The man said 'as salamu alaykum' to them. The companions concluded that he only said 'as salamu alaykum' to them as a deception to save himself from being caught. They surrounded him and Malham ibn Juthaamah killed him. From that event Allah revealed the verse...

"O you who have believed, when you go forth (to fight) in the cause of Allah, investigate, and do not say to one who gives you (a greeting of peace), "You are not a believer," Aspiring for the goods of worldly life; for with Allah are many acquisitions. You (yourselves) were like that before; then Allah conferred His favor (i.e. guidance) upon you, so investigate. Indeed, Allah is ever with what you do, acquainted." - Surah AnNisa, 4/94. From Tafseer Ibn Katheer.

Speak Kindly

Fourthly, never trade in kind words for harshness, especially when dealing with other Muslims.

Look at the power of a sincere and polite word: Mus'ab ibn Umayr was the first of ambassador of Rasul Allah in Madinah. Before Rasul Allah had arrived in Madinah, Mus'ab taught ahl al-Madinah about Islam and they began to enter the Deen.

This enraged Sa'd ibn 'Ubaadah, one of the chieftains of Madinah. He sheathed his sword and set off for the head of Mus'ab ibn 'Umayr. When he confronted Mus'ab he threatened, "Stop this nonsense you speak or you shall find yourself dead!"

Mus'ab replied in the way that should be a lesson for us all. This man before him did not stop at rudeness and ignorance, he wanted to slit his throat.

Mus'ab said, "Shall you not sit and listen for a few moments. If you agree with what I say then take it, and if not, we shall desist from this talk." Sa'd sat down.

Mus'ab spoke about Allah and His messenger until the face of Sa'd ibn Ubaadah's face shone like a full moon and he said, "What should a person do who wishes to enter into this Deen?" After Mus'ab had told him he said, "There is a man, if he accepts this Deen, there shall be no home in Madinah that will not become Muslim. Sa'd ibn Mu'aadh."

When Sa'd ibn Mu'aadh heard what was happening, he was infuriated. He left his home to go and kill this man called Mus'ab ibn Umayr for the dissention he had caused. He entered upon Mus'ab and announced, "You shall desist of this religion you speak of or you shall find yourself dead!"

Mus'ab replied, "Shall you not sit and listen for a few moments. If you agree with what I say then take it, and if not, I shall desist from this talk." Sa'd sat.

Mus'ab spoke about Allah and His messenger until the face of Sa'd ibn Mu'aadh's face shone like a full moon and he said, "What should a person do who wishes to enter into this Deen?"

Look at what a kind word did. Sa'd ibn Mu'aadh went home to his Madinan tribe that night and announced to them all, "Everything of yours is Haram upon me until you all enter into Islam."

That night, every home in Madinah went to bed with Laa ilaaha illa Allah...all because of a kind word.

Part II: Who wins?

Mu'aawiyah ibn al-Hakam al-Salami. When he came to Madeenah from the desert, he did not know that it was forbidden to speak during the salaah. He relates: "Whilst I was praying behind the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), a man sneezed, so I said 'Yarhamuk Allaah (may Allaah have mercy on you).' The people glared at me, so I said, 'May my mother lose me! What is wrong with you that you are looking at me?' They began to slap their thighs with their hands, and when I saw that they were indicating that I should be quiet, I stopped talking (i.e., I nearly wanted to answer them back, but I controlled myself and kept quiet).

When the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had finished praying - I have never seen a better teacher than him before or since - he did not scold me or hit me or put me to shame. He just said, 'This prayer should contain nothing of the speech of men; it is only tasbeeh and takbeer and recitation of the Qur'aan.'" (Saheeh Muslim, 'Abd al-Baaqi edn., no. 537).

Islam showed us how to differ with one another. Some people think that we should never differ at all and all disagreements should be avoided. Nay, this is an incorrect assumption, for the Qur'an and Sunnah show clearly that when a mistake is made it should be corrected. Indeed helping others do what is right is a requirement of the Deen, sincere Naseeha.

We see when Rasul Allah turned away from AbdAllah ibn Umm Maktoom, the blind man, Allah corrected him in the Qur'an...

"(The Prophet) frowned and turned away, Because there came to him the blind man But what could tell you that perchance he might become pure (from sins)? Or that he might receive admonition, and that the admonition might profit him?" - surah Abasa, 1-4

When Haatib ibn Abi Balta'ah (may Allaah be pleased with him) made the mistake of writing to the kuffaar of Quraysh and informing them of the direction in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was headed on a military campaign against them, Allaah revealed the words:

"O you who believe! Take not My enemies and your enemies as friends..." - Surah Mumtahinah/1

And so on. Thus we learn that when a mistake happens it should be corrected. However, the method of correction is what needs our attention.

Whenever Muslims argue, it is as if each party carries a banner of: 'I must win and you must lose!' Careful study of the Sunnah however shows us that this is not always the case with the way Rasul Allah acted. Consider the following examples:

"I lose and you win!"

A Bedouin came to Rasul Allah and told him, "Give me from what Allah gave you, not from the wealth of your mother nor from the wealth of your father." The Sahaabah were furious at the man and step forward to discipline him for what he said. Rasul Allah commanded everyone to leave him.

Then by the hand, Rasul Allah took him home, opened his door and said, "Take what you wish and leave what you wish." The man did so and after he completed, Rasul Allah asked him, "Have I honored you?" "Yes, by Allah," said the Bedouin. "Ash hadu an laa ilaaha illa Allah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadar Rasul Allah." (Meaning he embraced Islam)

When the Sahabah heard of how the man changed, Rasul Allah taught them. "Verily the example of myself, you and this Bedouin is that of a man who had his camel run away. The townspeople tried capturing the camel for him by running and shouting after the camel, only driving it further away. The man would shout, 'Leave me and my camel, I know my camel better.' Then he took some grass in his hand, ruffled it in front of the camel, until it came willingly.

'By Allah, had I left you to this Bedouin, you would have hit him, hurt him, he would have left without Islam and eventually have entered hellfire."

"I win and you lose!"

A Muslim should not have an apologetic stance to everything he is confronted with. There are times when the truth must be said, when there is no room for flattery.

When the Makhzoomi women - a women from an affluent family - stole, people approached Rasul Allah to have her punishment canceled. Rasul Allah became very angry and stood on the pulpit and announced, "By Allah, had Fatima the daughter of Muhammad stole I would have cut her hand off."

No room for flattery, the truth must be stood up for. It is here that the etiquette of disagreement that we talked earlier about should shine.

"I win and you win!"

There doesn't always have to be a loser. We see in many cases that Rasul Allah gave a way out for the people he differed with.

When he sent the letter to Caesar, he said in it, "Become Muslim and you shall be safe, Allah shall give you your reward double!"

He did not say surrender or die! Nothing of the sort. Become Muslim and you shall win, rather your victory shall be double.

I shall end with this shining example of how to act with other Muslims from our role model, Abu Bakr:

Abu Bakr once disputed with another companion about a tree. During the dispute Abu Bakr said something that he rather would not have said. He did not curse, he did not attack someone's honor, he did not poke a fault in anyone, all he said was something that may have hurt the other companion's feelings.

Immediately, Abu Bakr - understanding the mistake - ordered him, "Say it back to me!" The companion said, "I shall not say it back." "Say it back to me," said Abu Bakr, "Or I shall complain to the Messenger of Allah." The companion refused to say it back and went on his way.

Abu Bakr went to Rasul Allah and related what had happened and what he said. Rasul Allah called that companion and asked him, "Did Abu Bakr say so and so to you?" He said, "Yes." He said, "What did you reply." He said, "I did not reply it back to him." Rasul Allah said, "Good, do not reply it back to him (do not hurt Abu Bakr). Rather say, 'May Allah forgive you O Abu Bakr!'"

The Companion turned to Abu Bakr and said, "May Allah forgive you O Abu Bakr! May Allah forgive you O Abu Bakr!" Abu Bakr turned and cried as he walked away.

Let us leave today with a resolve to revive this air Rasul Allah and his companions breathed, an air of mercy and love and brotherhood.

Now days we as Muslims have to spread the voice to learn quran online and so we could gain the true knowledge and the quran teaching that is give to us by our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and do quran reading. Do we as Muslim ask our self that why we are at the peak of destruction? The answer will be simple that we have left our roots the holy quran we should guide promote Islam from in our homes first and let learn our kids quran  and encourage them in doing quran memorization this should be our first goal for it we can do different stuff like let then participate in different online quran recitation competition to let them read quran from different online quran reciters and along with it we elders should learn quran also and improve our knowledge of quran and Islam and learn holy quran tafseer because to understand and learn quran Arabic and for this now a days there are many online quran tutor available who teach tajweed quran and its translation and tafseer so let us join our hands to be the voice of Islam and let improve the image of it as well and full fill our duty


Humility in Knowledge, Arrogance in Ignorance

Humility in Knowledge, Arrogance in Ignorance


Humility in Knowledge, Arrogance in Ignorance
"A pseudo doctor is danger to life. A pseudo religious scholar is danger to faith."

Imam Malik bin Anas (b. 93 AH, d. 179 AH) was one of the greatest Islamic scholars of all times. Among his 1300 disciples were people from all walks of life; rulers, judges, historians, Sufis, poets, and scholars of Qur'an, Hadith, and Fiqh. The Khalifah attended his class as an ordinary student along with others.

In the best traditions of this Ummah Imam Malik considered his knowledge as a trust. When he knew something to be right or wrong, no intimidation could stop him from declaring so. It was his fatwa that divorce given under compulsion is invalid, that earned him the wrath of the ruler (as it implied that pledge of allegiance given under compulsion was also invalid). He was punished with lashes and at every strike he said, "I am Malik bin Anas and I declare that divorce given under compulsion is invalid."

Yet it was the same Imam Malik who was more likely to say "la adree" (I don't know) or "la ahsin" (I don't know it very well) in response to the constant flow of queries directed toward him. Once a person approached him and told him that he had come from Marrakesh --- after a six month journey --- only to ask a question. "My people back home are waiting for your answer," he said. After hearing the question Imam Malik replied, "Please tell your people that I do not know the answer to your question." In one case he was asked forty-eight questions and in response to thirty-two of them he said, "I don't know." It was commonly said that if somebody wrote down Imam Malik's answers to questions, he could easily fill pages with "I don't know" before writing a real answer.

The reason for this extraordinary care was nothing but a deep sense of accountability before Allah. It was the caution of a person who was standing between Hell and Heaven, fearful that one wrong step could lead him to the former. "Before you answer a question about religious law, visualize that you are standing at the gates of Hell and Heaven," he used to advise others.

Of course, he was not alone. Ibn Jareej used to attend the majlis (sitting) of Abdullah ibn Umar, Radi-Allahu anhuma. "In answer to more than half the questions he used to say I don't know." Ibn Abi Layla saw 120 Sahaba (companions). "Whenever one of them was asked a question he wished that someone else would answer it."

Nor was this caution restricted to Fiqh (Islamic Law). In interpreting the Qur'an or the Hadith, they exercised same care. Imam Muslim whose Sahih Muslim is unanimously considered second of the two most authentic collections of Hadith, had set for himself only the task of Hadith collection leaving the job of interpreting them to others. He was so concerned about this that he did not even divide the book into chapters for such classification would amount to interpretation.

They were the authoritative source on Islamic teachings, having devoted their lives to learning and practicing them. They knew very well the tremendous burden inherent in a statement that begins "Allah says", or "The Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, says". For here stating something that is not so means that a person is attributing something to Allah or the Prophet, Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, that is not true. What can be a greater sin than that! They always remembered that it is Haram to give fatwa without knowledge. They always remembered the Hadith, "Whoever interprets the Qur'an without knowledge should make his abode in Hell."

Fast forward to today and you are in a totally different world. Across the Muslim world today there are innumerable "experts" who are willing to interpret the Qur'an and Hadith, give fatwas, even do Ijtihad --- all without the benefit of even the minimum religious education and training. If such a person is a good writer or speaker that is qualification enough. For the audiences today readily confuse eloquence with scholarship. If the "expert" also carries the magic title "Dr." that certainly fills any gaps in his authority. It does not matter whether his educational achievement maybe in gynecology or business administration, journalism or nuclear science, physics or animal husbandry.

The results have been disastrous. The vast confusion and ignorance of even elementary subjects in religious teachings among the seemingly "educated" classes today is unprecedented. Today one can find all sorts of un-Islamic ideas and practices, conjectures, whims, and desires finding approval in the "Ijtihaddom" that has been concocted. What is more we also make a virtue out of this catastrophe by bragging that we have broken the "shackles of blind following" and opened direct access to the original sources of Islamic teachings. But no amount of bragging can hide the fact that this is the equivalent of allowing unlicensed and untrained people to practice medicine. Although in this case the resulting death and injury is not physical and is therefore less visible.

The reasons for this malaise are complex but two stand out. First, the schooling of our "educated" people included very little or none of Islamic education. Plainly, we do not know and we do not know that we do not know. Second, many of us harbor great mistrust of those who have received formal Islamic education. In turn this is also based on ignorance of what constitutes such education. It is a distant world, a black box, and all we know is that there is something wrong with it.

For a change let us visit a darul-uloom where they are screening candidates for admission to the next ifta class. The top scorers from the regular alim course were given a test and just the top ten scorers from the test will be brought for interview. They are tested not only for their knowledge of Arabic and religious texts but also their ability to understand complex real life situations and to communicate well. Once they graduate, they will do an internship for years under qualified and experienced muftis. But even the best of their teachers will consult others when they face a difficult issue. After exercising the best of caution they will learn to say "Allah knows best" at the end of their answers.

It is not to say that the decline of Muslim political power and the general decline of Muslim civilization has had no effect on this area of activity or our darul-iftas are running problem free. But can anyone in all honesty declare that an alternative that misses each and everyone of these features is better? There is a famous saying in Urdu. "A pseudo doctor is danger to life. A pseudo religious scholar is danger to faith." Do we know the danger?

Now days we as Muslims have to spread the voice to learn quran online and so we could gain the true knowledge and the quran teaching that is give to us by our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and do quran reading. Do we as Muslim ask our self that why we are at the peak of destruction? The answer will be simple that we have left our roots the holy quran we should guide promote Islam from in our homes first and let learn our kids quran  and encourage them in doing quran memorization this should be our first goal for it we can do different stuff like let then participate in different online quran recitation competition to let them read quran from different online quran reciters and along with it we elders should learn quran also and improve our knowledge of quran and Islam and learn holy quran tafseer because to understand and learn quran Arabic and for this now a days there are many online quran tutor available who teach tajweed quran and its translation and tafseer so let us join our hands to be the voice of Islam and let improve the image of it as well and full fill our duty